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Walking with Cattle


Walking through a field of Cattle can feel quite intimidating but if you follow these top tips you are very unlikely to run into issues.


If there are cattle in the field, do they have calves? Cows with calves are the most likely time walkers may have a problem.

Keep your distance from the cattle.  If they are on the path, walk around them, giving them lots of space.  You are allowed to go off the path to avoid the cattle if they are on the path.

Walk quickly and quietly.  The cattle may approach you but try not to panic.  If you run from them, they are much more likely to also start running.

Do not approach the cattle.  Please do not feed them or touch them.

Leave the gates as you find them.  Close any gates that you open, and if any gates are open, please leave them that way.


The biggest risk to walkers is when walking with a dog.  Please always keep your dog on a lead and close to you whenever in a field with cattle or cattle are close by.

Remember it is an offence not to keep your dog under control when in a field of animals.  The law gives farmers the right to shoot a dog that is causing issues with their animals.

Cattle that become scared by dogs are likely to chase them.

If you keep your dog on a lead and close to you, ensure you give the cattle lots of space and make sure you keep a close eye on them at all times you shouldn’t have any issues. 

However, if any of the cattle start running towards you, or you feel in any way in danger, let your dog off the lead.  The dog will be able to get to safety much faster and by removing the dog from the situation should calm the cattle.



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